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Remote Instruction & Resources

Guide to Jenks's online resources and other available resources for supporting your remote classes and students.

Library Remote Instruction Support

Remote students can schedule virtual conferences with librarians to get a tour of online resources and collaborate on their specific research topic.

Building Your Online Classroom


McGraw-Hill has many tips and tricks videos and more to help move your face-to-face course online quickly and effectively. Watch their videos at McGraw-Hill Connect

Watch their webinar on "Transitioning your course from on-campus to online." 

Pearson Ed

Pearson Ed has many great videos and articles about how to convert courses online quickly. Below is an image form Dr. Stephanie Tacquard, Customer Success Manager for Pearson outlining four essential questions to ask as you prepare to go online. Check out her advice from the article "Tips for moving a class online quickly" for helpful ways to think through moving your courses online.

Pearson Ed, Dr. Stephanie Tacquard, Tips for moving a class online quickly

From the article "Tips for moving a class online quickly" by Dr. Stephanie Tacquard, Customer Success Manager, Pearson


Staff writers at the Atla Blog have compiled a list of helpful resources for educators as they work to transition classes online. What is unique about their content is this help and guidance comes from those in the field of religious studies and theological education, and related associations. Below is a list of resources for transition course online.

Resources for Shifting Courses to Online 

Bringing Your Courses Online  – Information on strategies, equity and accessibility issues, and list of resources compiled by the Modern Language Association and posted on Humanities Commons.
Harvard Business Publishing Education - HBP has made available multiple articles and resources for faculty thinking about how to adapt and teach online.

Get Resourceful for REL #COVID19 – Suggestions and ideas for teaching religious studies by Richard Newton, PhD, at the University of Alabama from his website Sowing the Seed: Fruitful Conversations in Religion, Culture, and Teaching  

Resources for Moving Classes Online – List of resources compiled by In Trust Center for Theological Schools  

Resources for Online Learning – Resources from the Wabash Center Resource Collection, links to resources at other religion and theology schools 

Teaching Remotely in Times of Need – Presentation slides from Torrey Trust, PhD, at the University of Massachusetts Amherst 

Tips for Teaching Online – Tips and resources compiled by the AAR Teaching and Learning Committee 

List taken from Atla Blog article "Information for Libraries in the Wake of COVID-19 – Supporting Online Courses and Other Resources," March 13, 2020. 

Resources for Communication

Live Chat

Lecture Recording

Other Communication Tools

List compiled in part from Becky Moenings resources list at the end of her article "Tips for Quickly Moving Your Course Online."