Jenks Library instruction is available through the Instruction Librarian and Archives. For more information about Archives instruction and visits, visit the Archives class visits page or contact Sarah St. Germain, the college archivist.
You will receive confirmation of the session within 24 hours of the request. If you do not receive confirmation, please email Carolyn Oakes with your request.
Library instruction intends to fulfil Gordon College’s mission to “graduate men and women distinguished by intellectual maturity and Christian character,” by giving students and faculty the tools, skills, and support needed to approach their research with academic honesty and humility.
Individual faculty should request library instruction, with the exception of The Great Conversation courses. Library instruction is embedded in the freshmen seminar & writing course as part of unit.
Jenks Library can provide information literacy instruction for your students in a variety of ways. Below are some suggestions on how to integrate information literacy into your course:
Library workshops on research techniques and library resources is available for individuals and entire classes. Instruction may be held in a single session or a series of sessions in a computer lab or via Zoom.
Embed information literacy directly into your Canvas course by asking the library to help you build a research module. It includes a mixture of reading and videos, followed by short checks for understanding.
Embed a librarian into a discussion board to moderate students sharing research topics and sources or to moderate an online question-and-answer session.
Ask a librarian for help producing instruction videos to distribute to your class via Canvas or our Jenks Library YouTube page.
Check out our YouTube page where you can find instruction videos for all kinds of resources, subject searching, and more.
The library can create a tailored subject guide or course guide for your class or discipline. These guides contain links and how-to information for the most relevant library resources and search strategies.
Library Subject Guides for each major discipline offered at Gordon.
Course Guides for specific classes at Gordon.
Both students and faculty have access to individual research appointments to receive personalized research support. You can also embed links to schedule research appointments in your Canvas page or assignments.
Library instruction intends to fulfil Gordon College’s mission to “graduate men and women distinguished by intellectual maturity and Christian character,” by giving students and faculty the tools, skills, and support needed to approach their research with academic honesty and humility.
In addition to the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, Jenks Library instruction is guided by these principles:
Gordon College Definition of Information Literacy
Information literacy is a set of abilities equipping individuals to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information. (Approved by the Gordon College Academic Programs Committee on March 24, 2011.)
ACRL Frameworks for Information Literacy
The Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) defines Information Literacy according to six core frameworks:
The ACRL Frameworks for Information Literacy for Higher Education was filed by the ACRL Board on February 2, 2015 and adopted by the ACRL Board, January 11, 2016. Learn more about the Frameworks by visiting the ACRL Frameworks website.
Gordon College | 255 Grapevine Road, Wenham, MA 01984 | Telephone 978.927.2300