Upcoming Archives Events
Extended Hours - Thursday, Nov. 7th, 4pm-8pm & Friday, Nov. 8th, 4pm-8pm
Find our past #ColorOurCollections coloring books and download them for yourself! Or visit ColorOurCollections.org to find coloring pages from institutions all over the world!
Watch the documentary to learn more about Gordon's history and to see the archival material the documentary team used!
President Hammond requested that the Archives provide a pop-up exhibit to display the history of Gordon College and Barrington College, which merged with Gordon in the 1980s. You can learn more about both colleges by viewing the exhibit 130 Years of Excellence.
To mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the Archives displayed print materials related to the life of Queen Elizabeth from the historical newspapers and magazine collection. Email archives@gordon.edu if you'd like to peruse the collection.
To celebrate Gordon Day for Gordon's Spirit Week, we put on an exhibit featuring Gordon's Scottish heritage and early mascot history since Spirit Week was hosted by the Gordon Mascot team. These items included scans of Gordon Tartan articles, photos of faculty, staff, and students in Scottish attire, and information on an earlier mascot named Jinx! To top it off, we included part of a formal Scottish outfit that lives in our collections. Email archives@gordon.edu to learn more about these materials!
Want to host a pop-up exhibit at your next event? Email archives@gordon.edu.
Gordon College is New England’s top Christian college, located on the North Shore of Boston in Wenham, MA.
Gordon College | 255 Grapevine Road, Wenham, MA 01984 | Telephone 978.927.2300