Sarah St.Germain
College Archivist
P 978.867.4851
Edward Ballock
Archival Attendant
P 978.867.4851
The mission of the Gordon College Archives is to identify, collect, arrange, preserve, and make accessible materials that document the programs, people, and operations of Gordon College and Barrington College as well as rare and unique collections that support the College’s administration, teaching, research, and services.
To accomplish this mission, the College Archives will:
Provide Access. The Archives supports researchers of all kinds by providing the widest possible access to the materials.
Collect & Preserve. The Archives collects, preserves, and makes accessible college records, rare books, and special collections that relate to the teaching and mission of the college.
Protect Gordon's Cultural Heritage. The Archives strives to collect and promote material representing a diverse prospective of the College's history.
Encourage Discovery. The Archives enriches the curriculum of the College by providing opportunity for first-hand research and discovery of rare texts.
The Gordon College Archives began in 1921 when the Board of Trustees voted to accept the gift of the Edward P. Vining Library, a rare collection of Historical and Theological books. The donors, Annabel Vining Otis and Charles Otis, had connections to the College, as Charles was on the board of trustees and Annabel was the daughter of Edward P. Vining.
Until 1954, Gordon College could be found in the Back Bay area of Boston. On this campus, the Vining Collection was stored in various places, including boxed in the boiler room. After the Hurricane of 1954, the books were put at a considerable flood risk, and were moved to the new Wenham campus. The Vining Collection was kept in the basement of the Winn Library, and in later years possibly the attic.
After moving between these two locations, the Jenks extension was completed in 1987. In this new wing, a temperature controlled area was built specifically for the Vining Collection and other archived materials to be housed. The first official mention of an archives was on February 11, 1980 at an executive committee meeting of the board, when a formal Archivist position was proposed. The Archives was also to receive papers from staff, students, alumni, and others, and served the purpose of preserving the rich history of Gordon College.
Today, the Gordon College Archives continues to preserve the history of Gordon College, Barrington College, and the Vining Rare Book Collection, and educate the surrounding community about Gordon's impact in the Greater Boston Area. It has a thriving internship program that teaches students about archival work as well as participates in class visits and admissions visits for prospective students. In addition, the Gordon College Archives not only creates exhibits showcasing the Vining Collection and Gordon and Barrington history, but also participates in special outreach events to allow for the greatest number of community members to participate in the joys of the archives.
Image: White Library, Gordon College, Evans Way, Boston, MA (1920s)
Privateers, Pirates, and the Perils of the Sea: A Glimpse into 17th and 18th Century Maritime Culture was curated by Fall 2024 archival intern Renata Boulay ('26). The exhibit can be found in the small case outside of the Archives (Jenks 217).
Maritime culture of the 17th and 18th century emerged from a rocky environment of intense global competition. Trading empires such as the Dutch, British, and Spanish were in constant rivalry for resources, land, money, and power. While these countries engaged in battle with each other on both land and sea, they were also engaged in a conflict with nature itself – a constant struggle for control of the ocean, something no one could truly master. No matter how skilled a sailor was, the winds and waves would always have the upper hand. Unpredictable weather and topography made for a constantly shifting and treacherous field of operation that could steal lives and dash hope in an instant. Shipwreck, disease, storms, creatures of the deep, mutiny, and piracy were just some of the fears in the mind of a 17th century sailor. However, despite this peril, countless people set out to sea – some sought adventure, some sought wealth, others freedom, and still yet others were not given a choice.
This exhibit highlights three books from the Vining Collection: William Dampier’s A New Voyage Round the World, Alexandre Exquemelin’s Bucaniers of America, and The Mariner’s Chronicle.
In February 2025, the Archives will be participating in the #ColorOurCollections initiative. Launched by The New York Academy of Medicine Library in 2016, #ColorOurCollections is an annual coloring festival on social media during which libraries, museums, archives and other cultural institutions around the world share free coloring content featuring images from their collections. You can find our previous coloring pages on the "Outreach & Events" tab here on the website. Or you can visit the #ColorOurCollections website to access coloring pages from collections around the world!
Gordon College is New England’s top Christian college, located on the North Shore of Boston in Wenham, MA.
Gordon College | 255 Grapevine Road, Wenham, MA 01984 | Telephone 978.927.2300