Use the NOBLE Catalog to search for print books, e-books, and other resources at Jenks Library or other NOBLE libraries.
Jenks Library is part of NOBLE, the North of Boston Library Exchange. This means that we have access to all resources (except electronic) at our neighboring local libraries such as Beverly, Danvers, and more. You can search the NOBLE Catalog for all NOBLE materials by using the Location dropdown. Request books to be sent directly to Jenks Library by using the "place hold" button.
Here's a quick video showing you how to place items on hold:
The Library has over 100 databases to search for scholarly articles, book reviews, magazine articles, and more. We offer subject databases for specific disciplines and have a variety of multidisciplinary databases that will serve all majors. View our Database A-Z list and filter by subject area to learn what databases we have access to.
We get this question a lot from faculty: "Do you have X journal?" There is an easy way everyone (students, faculty, etc.) can search on their own to see if Jenks Library has access to their journal of interest. Use Journal Finder! This search will display all access options (including print) available at Jenks Library. When possible, Jenks Library tries to subscribe to full-text databases. This means that as students and faculty search in databases, all will have immediate access to articles available full-text in the database either as a PDF, HTML web link, or other. Because of this, we have access to thousands of academic journals.
Here is a quick video showing you how to find a journal article within a specific journal:
In the mood to browse for journals? Use BrowZine. BrowZine is both a web app and a mobile app. It allows you to browse for journals by subject area. This is the best way to quickly get familiar with all the journals available at Jenks related to your discipline or subject area of interest. Please note, BrowZine shows all journals provided full-text in database - including embargoed titles. Embargoes are a publisher delay on the release of the latest issues of journals. Usually there is a full-text delay between 1 year and 18 months.
Because of the wealth of resources available, we also create subject guides that provide a curated list of books, databases, and journal available at Jenks for your subject. Below are some examples:
Gordon College | 255 Grapevine Road, Wenham, MA 01984 | Telephone 978.927.2300