You can access library databases, journals, and most e-books by logging in with your Gordon email and password. Go to if you have questions about your password.
Your Gordon ID is your library card! The 14-digit number on the back is your library barcode. To set your password:
There are many other libraries within the area that can aid you in your research. Search these libraries to find even more resources for your research.
With your library account you can access:
Libby gives you access to thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines! Set up your account today using your Jenks Library account.
To pay fines and replacement costs in cash, stop by the circulation desk in the Jenks Library lobby.
Credit or debit payments are only available for charges over $1 with MasterCard, Visa, and Discover.
Charges will appear as LIBRARY-NOBLE on your statement.
Gordon College | 255 Grapevine Road, Wenham, MA 01984 | Telephone 978.927.2300