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Graduate Music Program Orientation

Guide for Graduate Music students on how to navigate Jenks online and other resources.



The American Psychology Association (APA) citation style is most commonly used in disciplines such as social sciences, business, nursing, and education.  

Sample APA Citations
  In-Text Citation Works Cited Page
Journal Article (Yodovich, 2021)

Yodovich, N. (2021). Defining conditional belonging: The case of female science fiction fans. Sociology, 55(5), 871–887.

Journal Article with Multiple Authors (Fulkerson et al., 2006)

Fulkerson, J. A., Neumark-Sztainer, D., & Story, M. (2006). Adolescent and parent views of family meals. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 106(4), 526–532.

Book (Golding, 2019)

Golding, D. (2019). Star wars after Lucas: A critical guide to the future of the galaxy. University of Minnesota Press.

AI (OpenAI, 2023) OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model].

Always check with your professor and syllabus for specific information on how you should use and cite AI-generated sources.

B. Citation Resources

C. Zotero Reference Management Tool