Jenks Library has many academic journals covering topics in history available to you. Below are just a few online examples of places to begin. Search Journal Finder or browse the Arts & Humanities subject area in BrowZine for more journals!
The building block of a library database search is keywords. Keywords are central ideas or terms within your research question or problem.
Once you have your keywords identified (2-3 is a good place to begin), you then need to connect them together in a way the database understands how to search. This is done using the Boolean search operators AND, OR, and NOT. Connecting keywords using these search operators creates a search string.
Do not limit your search to just one database. Instead look at a variety of databases both subject specific and interdisciplinary to make sure you are viewing the full scope of literature published on your topic.
An article is considered "peer-reviewed" if it has been reviewed by scholars and professionals within the field of study for the article. This process involves reviewing how the article was written and the research involved. The review process involves an extensive exchange between the review panel and the author(s), and the article can only be considered for publication in a scholarly journal once it has been approved.
Ask yourself the following questions about the article you are viewing to determine if it is peer-reviewed:
Many of our databases make the process of locating peer-reviewed information very easy for us by providing a "peer-reviewed" search filter on the search screen. This search filter is automatically selected in our EBSCO databases.
Use this information sheet for criteria to look for in a peer-reviewed article.