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RSW 471: Research in Recreation, Sports, and Wellness: NOBLE Catalog

NOBLE Catalog

In the Stacks

GV - Recreation, Leisure
Books on recreation and leisure are located in the classification "GV."  This section is located on Stack 2 in Jenks Library.


  • GV 1-1860 - Recreation and leisure 
    • GV 181.35-181.6 - Recreation leadership
    • GV 191.2-200.6 - Outdoor Life
    • GV 201-555 - Physical Education and Training
  • GV 557-1198.995 - Sports
  • GV 1199-1570 - Games and amusements

For more subclasses in the Recreation, Sports, and Wellness classification, see the LOC Classification outline.

R - Medicine
Books on sports medicine, fitness, and more are in the classification "R." This section is located on Stack 5 in Jenks Library. 


  • RC 1200-1245 - Sports medicine
  • RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology

For more subclasses in the Medicine classification, see the LOC Classification outline.

Beyond Jenks

NOBLE (All Libraries)
When searching the NOBLE Catalog, any time you would like to look beyond Jenks for resources from other NOBLE libraries, use the Location drop down to and select the "NOBLE (All Libraries) option. This allows you to cross-search all collections within the NOBLE libraries for materials. Use the "Place Hold" button on the book's record to have the material sent directly to Jenks.

Tips for Searching the Catalog

Use the basic search box and enter any combination of keywords into the search line (e.g. football concussion). 

Subject Headings
Once you run a few searches and find a few books about or related to your topic, use those records as jumping off points for related information. On a book's record, look for the Subject section. Scan the list of linked subjects for any that are near your topic. Clicking on those subject links will provide a list of all other books with Jenks that have also been tagged with this same subject. 

Selected Books