A library database is a tool that allows you to search for and find different types of information. For Education Leadership students that information might be scholarly peer-reviewed articles on teaching pedagogy for biblical worldview integration or it might be information on managing personnel at your schools. At Jenks Library we have several library databases you can search to help retrieve the information you need.
To select an appropriate database to use, first think about the type of information you are trying to find.
For your research in both leadership and education, we have many databases that will provide access to different kinds of information. The goal of this video is to introduce you to where you can find many of those resources from the library's database page. In particular, this video will demonstrate searching in the database ERIC, a great tool for education research, to find scholarly peer-reviewed articles on a topic.
Please note: the library no longer uses Blackboard for authentication to online resources. But our new login page still uses your Gordon username and password for access. Enter that information in the two boxes provided and you are in!
Having trouble playing the video? Watch here on the Jenks Library YouTube channel.
An article is considered "peer-reviewed" if it has been reviewed by scholars and professionals within the field of study for the article. This process involves reviewing how the article was written and the research involved. The review process involves an extensive exchange between the review panel and the author(s), and the article can only be considered for publication in a scholarly journal once it has been approved.
Ask yourself the following questions about the article you are viewing to determine if it is peer-reviewed:
Many of our databases make the process of locating peer-reviewed information very easy for us by providing a "peer-reviewed" search filter on the search screen. This search filter is automatically selected in our EBSCO databases.
Use this information sheet for criteria to look for in a peer-reviewed article.
What does linking to the Library do?
Linking to Jenks Library allows you to have access to as many resources as possible provided by Jenks. Google Scholar often will include results that are restricted behind a paywall. This allows you to access resources you wouldn't be able to access without linking to the library.
How do I link Jenks Library to Google Scholar?
Follow the steps found below to link to Jenks Library.
1. Click on the three lines in the upper left corner. Then click on “Settings”.
2. Then click on “Library links” in the left column.
3. Search for "Gordon College" or "Jenks Library" and select "Jenks Library at Gordon College - Access at Jenks Library." Then click "Save."
4. Now, when you search in the Google Scholar search box, any resources that can be accessed through Jenks Library resources will appear. See below for example (found by searching "women in ancient greece").
Gordon College is New England’s top Christian college, located on the North Shore of Boston in Wenham, MA.
Gordon College | 255 Grapevine Road, Wenham, MA 01984 | Telephone 978.927.2300