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Google Scholar

Advanced Searching

UTS Library. (2021, January 28). Retrieved April 20, 2021, from

This video, produced by University of Technology Sydney, covers the basics of advanced searching using Google Scholar including which options function as Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and how to search by author, journal title, and date range.

Advanced Searching

As shown in the video to the right, Google Scholar has a number of advanced searching options. Here are a few tips on making the best of your advanced search inquiries. 

  1. Advanced Searching.
    If you haven't been able to find the sources you are looking for through a basic search, you may need to try narrowing your search through an advanced search. Advanced searching gives you a little more control over what resources you'll receive. 
  2. Boolean Operators.
    Boolean search operators include AND, OR, and NOT. Connecting keywords using these search operators creates a search string. 
    1. AND - narrow search, used to combine terms together and focus search results
    2. OR - broad search, used to include results that contain similar or like words, such as synonyms
    3. NOT - narrow search by exclusion, used to exclude results containing a particular keyword
      We call the written version of your keywords with boolean search operators the search string. Writing your search string at the beginning of your research process will help you better approach searching in library databases.

      Example search string
      cavalry OR tank corps AND strategy OR similarity AND George Patton