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Google Scholar

Link to Jenks Library

What does linking to the Library do?

Linking to Jenks Library allows you to have access to as many resources as possible provided by Jenks. Google Scholar often will include results that are restricted behind a paywall. This allows you to access resources you wouldn't be able to access without linking to the library.


How do I link Jenks Library to Google Scholar?

Follow the steps found below to link to Jenks Library. 

1.  Click on the three lines in the upper left corner. Then click on “Settings”.

The homepage of Google Scholar is shown with a red circle around the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner and a red circle around the "Settings" option.

2. Then click on “Library links” in the left column.

The Google Scholar "Settings" page with a red circle drawn around the "Library links" option on the left side of the screen.

3.  Search for "Gordon College" or "Jenks Library" and select "Jenks Library at Gordon College - Access at Jenks Library." Then click "Save."

Image of Google Scholar webpage showing search page for "Gordon College" and correct box to check "Jenks Library at Gordon College - Access at Jenks Library"

4. Now, when you search in the Google Scholar search box, any resources that can be accessed through Jenks Library resources will appear. See below for example (found by searching "women in ancient greece").

LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad is an extension that instantly provides links to full-text resources through Jenks Library or, alternatively, other open access resources. It uses the fastest path to help you access the resources you want. This extension works with Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and more. To download LibKey Nomad, follow the steps below. 


From the Google Chrome app store or from the LibKey site

1. Once you have navigated to the app store, click the "Add to Chrome" button. A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the addition of the extension.

(Note: From the LibKey homepage, scroll down and choose which browser you are using. It will automatically send you to that browser's app store.)

LibKey Nomad extension on Google Chrome with "Add to Chrome" button

3. The below LibKey Nomad screen will appear. Type in "Gordon College" or "Jenks Library" to link to Jenks Library. Once you have linked to the library, you are set to search!

LibKey Nomad landing site with Jenks Library linked as a library


4. As the green box above states, look for the Nomad button (Download PDF button) to access full-text resources. This will usually appear underneath the article on the academic search page or in the left-hand corner on a publisher's page (ie. a specific journal's article page).