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COM 241: Public Speaking: Persuasive Speech

NOBLE Catalog (Books)

Tips for Searching the Catalog

Use the basic search box and enter any combination of keywords into the search line. 

Subject Headings
Once you run a few searches and find a few books about or related to your topic, use those records as jumping off points for related information. On a book's record, look for the Subject section. Scan the list of linked subjects for any that are near your topic. Clicking on those subject links will provide a list of all other books with Jenks that have also been tagged with this same subject. 

How do I find ebooks in the NOBLE Catalog? 

Wondering how to access books at Jenks Library if you’re not on campus? The answer is ebooks! Jenks Library has150,000+ ebooks available, all searchable within our NOBLE Catalog. eBooks are really useful for distance learners, because you can access them from your device where ever you are. This video will walk you through how to find and access ebooks within the NOBLE catalog.

Having trouble viewing this video. Watch it on the Jenks Library YouTube Channel.

What ebook collections are available? 

Jenks Library has several ebook collections available to search, but all of our ebooks are searchable in the NOBLE Catalog, so please use that. Additionally, many publishers have made ebook content freely accessible during this time. See the list below. 

Media Bias

How do you address media bias when choosing news and mass media to support your persuasive argument?

  • All sources are biased. Bias does not always mean a source is less credible.
  • Find common ground from sources of differing perspectives.
  • Pull from diverse sources, even if they disagree.

Resources for Understanding Media Bias

Library Databases

Viewpoint Databases



Subject Specific







Currency Relevance Authorship Accuracy Purpose
Look for the publication date of the website, frequent updates, and dates for specific articles. Does the information provided by the website meet your research need?
Websites can be produced by individuals or organizations. Reputable websites will have authorship information easily visible, including both the authors' names and credentials. To use information in your research it must be judged accurate and verifiable before use.
A website's purpose is the reason it was created. This should be very clear. Note that some websites might present opinions as facts, but they are actually attempting to sell a product or persuade you.