COM 152: Media & Society examines how media of mass communication both reflect and influence our culture. Considers how knowledge of environment and models for social interaction are affected by mediated communication, and how financial and organizational structures of media influence content and approach.
The Course Guide to COM 152 provides quick access link to top resources in media and communication such as books, academic journals, databases, and trade journals.
View a list of books available at Jenks Library related to topics in media, society, and communication. Use the NOBLE Catalog to find even more books on these topics.
A bibliography is a citation list of sources you consulted or used in your research. It includes both the sources that will actually appear in your research paper and anything other information you may have reviewed during the research process. An annotation is simply a summary or short description. Therefore an annotated bibliography includes a summary or description for each citation in the bibliography.
Annotations for each source can summarize the contents of the particular source, evaluate the source for creditability and reliability, or reflection on how it works with your research.
For example annotations check out the Purdue OWL website.