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Biblical Studies: NOBLE Catalog

NOBLE Catalog

Location Guide

Search the NOBLE catalog to find materials on topics in Biblical studies.

If you want to browse the shelves, some Biblical studies related call numbers and their stack locations are:


BM   Judaism

BP    Islam

BR   Christianity

BS    Bible

BT    Doctrinal Theology

BV    Practical Theology

BX    Christian Denominations


PA Greek Language and Literature

PJ 4543-4937 Hebrew Language (Biblical and Modern)

For a detailed list of the subclasses in the Biblical studies section, see the LC Classification Guide.

Find Ebooks in NOBLE

What ebook collections are available? 

Jenks Library has several ebook collections available that are will show up in your regular NOBLE catalog searches. Additionally, many publishers have made ebook content freely accessible during this time. See the list below. 

Free ebook trials

Tips for Searching the Catalog

Use the basic search box and enter any combination of keywords into the search line. 

Subject Headings
Once you run a few searches and find books about or related to your topic, use those records as jumping off points for related information. On a book's record, look for the Subject section. Scan the list of linked subjects for any that are near your topic. Clicking on those subject links will provide a list of all other books in the catalog that have been tagged with that same subject.